Bones exec producers Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan — a.k.a. Team Hathan — took time away from plotting their next grisly death to chat with reporters about the show’s upcoming eighth season (premiering Monday, Sept. 17 at 8/7c).
Herewith are the 10 scoopiest highlights from the call.
Don’t click through if you don’t want spoilers for this new season of Bones. That said, they aren’t earth shattering or big, revealing spoilers, just small ones.
Also, here’s one. Again, this is a spoiler.
This season’s landmark 150th episode is a “weird episode,” said Hanson. “It’s going to be an episode where we see everything from the POV of the victim. It’s been very tricky. We needed a very heart-tugging story, so the person whose death we are solving is an actual character. It’s a boy. It’s not a funny episode. It’s an oustsider’s view of our team at work.”
Scary. It’s not like Bones hasn’t ventured into some strange story-telling territory already. Like Booth’s hallucinations that actually physically helped him out of a tough spot as an instance. Here’s hoping they don’t go into too much crazy territory with this.