So this is a trailer, or whatever. Honestly, nothing about any of the trailers for Insurgent have interested me much. The first film was passable, I expect this to be a hot mess.
I’m back to thinking that this is not going to be a great film. This trailer really makes it look formulaic and like it has nothing to add to the lore of the Cinderella story. As such one wonders why it is being made. I enjoyed the re-telling of Sleeping Beauty from Maleficent’s perspective far more than I thought — but that is chiefly because the film surprised me and was not (as) formulaic as it might have been. I don’t think we’re going to end up getting the same thing here. And the modern song underscoring the entire trailer was very unpleasant. If that’s the way the music for the film…
Read The RestMarvel boss Kevin Feige and soon-to-be-ex-Sony-boss Amy Pascal will be co-producing thew new Spider-Man venture and after the character makes his introduction in the MCU, he’ll get his own movie on the release date previously held by Thor: Raganarok. To fit it in, Marvel’s Phase 3 plans – as announced in October 2014 – have now shifted back to accommodate the change with the exception of the third and fourth Avengers installments which will hold their summer opening dates in 2018-19. Four movies change dates.
Here’s a screen shot of the previous release dates timeline, followed by a…
Read The RestRead The RestMarvel’s Kevin Feige to Produce Next Installment of the Spider-Man Franchise with Amy Pascal
Sony Pictures Entertainment and Marvel Studios announced today that Sony is bringing Marvel into the amazing world of Spider-Man.
Under the deal, the new Spider-Man will first appear in a Marvel film from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe (MCU). Sony Pictures will thereafter release the next installment of its $4 billion Spider-Man franchise, on July 28, 2017, in a film that will be co-produced by Kevin Feige and his expert team at Marvel and Amy Pascal, who oversaw the franchise launch for the studio…
When one considers the modern cinematic landscape, one must often ask hard questions, like; “why oh why was a second installment into a stupid comedy franchise such as this necessary?” I saw the first Mall Cop against my better judgment because it was Christmas, and my wife’s aunt got the movie for Christmas and she really wanted to watch it and so she put it on for everyone. The film was not without it’s humor or merits. But I utterly fail to see the point in another one — at least creatively and cinematically.
But that doesn’t matter, because we’re getting a second one whether it’s a good…
Read The RestThe concept of these films has always been silly — but they surely do have broad appeal. And people that I like and respect a lot like the films well enough, even if they don’t think they are pure gold. We’re going to get to see more antics with cars on April 3rd and we even get to see Vin Diesel drive a car OUT OF A SKYSCRAPER. They may be stretching believability a little here.
Haven’t had much to say about this film yet, but I’m most definitely looking forward to it. All the signs point to a great film from a great director. This is the guy that brought us The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol so I’m quite willing to bet that Bird is going to knock this one out of the park. The concept is quite intriguing, and as I said in a previous post, I’m a sucker for a good fantasy film. This one looks like it’s going to be a doozy of a fantasy film.
Here’s the official synopsis from Disney:
Read The RestFrom Disney comes two-time Oscar® winner Brad…
Seventh Son is opening this weekend, and I’d kind of like to see it. But I don’t expect it to be that good and I have other films I’d rather see first.
It has been moved from prior release dates twice, originally scheduled to be in theaters this month last year. Along the way it has also changed studios. These are not good signs that this film will have anything of value to show us. But I’m a sucker for a good fantasy film and I’ll probably check it out at some point.
Kingsman: The Secret Service is receiving better than expected reviews — and I’m certainly looking forward to it — but calling it, “More bad ass than James Bond” in this Super Bowl TV spot is just a bit more than I can handle. This film better be really, REALLY good and have a few aces up it sleeve to say that. Honestly.
This trailer is pretty much what you can expect from a short TV spot needing to incite hype amongst an already hyped up Super Bowl sports-watching crowd, but it’s not a bad spot and I’m still looking forward to seeing the film in a couple weeks.
Yes, more pre-Superbowl Superbowl trailers. You’ll for sure want to see this one though. This is for what we secretly or not so secretly want to be our favorite Marvel film ever, and maybe one of our all time favorites.
Don’t forget that one of the films that’s coming up after this is Captain America: Civil War, and I think Age of Ultron is going to lead right into that. It certainly looks like they’re headed fast in that general direction.
This film has only a few new shots and they’re quick moving so you have to look hard for them. In particular, I think there’s a few new shots of the…
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