‘Batman’ Cinematographer says ‘The Avengers’ is Appalling

‘Batman’ Cinematographer says ‘The Avengers’ is Appalling
Movie Line

“What’s really important is storytelling. None of it matters if it doesn’t support the story,” said Pfister. “I thought The Avengers was an appalling film. They’d shoot from some odd angle and I’d think, why is the camera there? Oh, I see, because they spent half a million on the set and they have to show it off. It took me completely out of the movie. I was driven bonkers by that illogical form of storytelling.”

Please, can’t we all just get along. Because someone does something differently than another does not necessarily make it right or wrong. And in fact, I personally thought The Avengers was just a slightly better film than The Dark Knight Rises in all respects, including cinematography. There’s nothing wrong with upping the production value, which is what Pfister seems to be arguing against.

It’s sad too, because I’m a huge fan of both the Batman trilogy, and The Avengers so can’t we all just get along?