Episode 57: An Amazing Jobs

An Amazing Jobs

TJ and Joe are reunited! First they exchange some banter and inside baseball. Then they talk about a few trailers that have come up since the last episode including ‘Closed Circuit’, ‘Squirrels’, and ‘The Counselor’. Then, before getting to the two main topics in review, they discuss the idea of Mark Wahlberg wanting to play ‘Iron Man’, Ewan McGregor and ‘Star Wars’, and the ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ honest trailer. In review this week is the new film ‘JOBS’ in which Ashton Kutcher does a fantastic job portraying Jobs. This is the film the two spend the bulk of their time on. But they do spend a little time talking about ‘Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters’ which TJ liked well enough, and Joe didn’t like at all.

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