TJ brings you up to speed on the goings on in the film world — and some stuff not really in the film world. First up, we’ve got Angelina Jolie’s new ‘Maleficent’ trailer. It’s spooky, scary, and really good looking. And it’s set to an unfamiliar arrangement of a familiar tune. And then TJ strayed a little off the beaten movie path this week to talk about Nintendo in three separate articles. But hey, he’s an adult, he can do what he wants, right? One of the more exciting films coming up in the beginning of this year is ‘The Lego Movie’ and TJ has lots of goodies for you on that front. Be sure to check out the clips from the upcoming film! Chad and TJ talked about ‘The Lone Survivor’ this week on ‘The MovieByte Podcast’. It was better than either of them were expecting. Paramount will bow to Christopher Nolan’s wishes and deliver the upcoming ‘Interstellar’ on both film and in digital format. And in the “say what?” category, ‘Taken 3’ is currently in the works. How many more times can these Bryan Mills and co go through this? And of course, as always, find out what to see this weekend!
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It’s a little sad to me that Nintendo is having a hard time of it. I like Nintendo a lot and as far as I’m concerned, the Mario franchise is the best game franchise on the market right now. I admit that I just don’t get some of these games that most of the kids are into these days though. Still, Nintendo has had a lot of hits and misses. Obviously they had a big hit with the NES and again with the SNES. While the Nintendo 64 was not a “miss”, it was not the massive success the previous two consoles had been. And the GameCube was just embarrassing.
I think it will be a dismal failure. Not only a failure, but I think it will actively tick people off. The sentiment in the market right now is that people want Nintendo titles on iOS and Android (whether right or wrong as I already discussed). To use those platforms as gimmicks and marketing only will, I believe, be seen as a slap in the face. I cannot think of a worse idea for Nintendo right now.
Nintendo Co Ltd dug in its heels on a game console strategy that has dragged it into operating losses for three years in a row, ignoring calls to go mobile and promising instead to wow customers with health-related innovations.
Investors were unimpressed, wiping $1.2 billion from the value of Nintendo’s Tokyo-traded shares in little more than 30 minutes on Thursday, as CEO Satoru Iwata made his pitch for a “non-wearable” project in 2015 to help users stay healthy.
Join TJ and Chad for a review of the surprise hit, ‘Lone Survivor’. But up first, TJ got a cool ‘Star Trek’ shirt for his birthday. Then, ‘Atlas Shrugged 3’ is apparently a thing — whatever. TJ and Chad have fun walking through Mike Fissel’s list of top 13 films. The new Maleficent trailer is set to the classic Disney tune ‘Once Upon a Dream’, but it may not be the way you remembered it. And there are nine (count ‘em, NINE) new clips and a really awesome featurette for the upcoming ‘Lego Movie’. Folks, it’s looking pretty awesome! And obviously the reason you’re here is for the primary review. TJ and Chad may differ on their rating but they agree on many of the featured points.
The LA Times reports that Paramount will release both digital and film versions of “Interstellar” when it hits cinemas last this year. And it’s not really a big shock. Of course, the filmmaker has long been an advocate of celluloid, and, naturally, his latest is being shot on 35mm with IMAX utilized for some sequences.
Deadline reports that the awesomely named “Taken 2” helmer Olivier Megaton will be back to direct “Taken 3,” with Liam Neeson set to reprise his role as the man with special skills. Even more, Forest Whitaker is in talks to join the cast — which will also include Maggie Grace — though there’s no word yet on his role. Villain? Ally? Guess we’ll see, but hopefully Bryan Mills has learned that he probably shouldn’t travel in Europe for a while. In case you were wondering, Luc Besson and Kamen both wrote the script this time out too.
There is absolutely nothing new that I can recommend this weekend. That’s January at the cinema I reckon. Still, there are a few things holding out that are worth seeing. And some that aren’t. I’ll do my best to help you narrow down your choices.