In case you missed it I just want to remind you, we’re giving away an HD TV along with a one year subscription to Netflix.
MovieByte has been a smashing success and a lot of fun and we want to see it grow even more. Joseph and I are really loving what we are doing here at MovieByte, finding all the great news each day, writing articles and reviews, doing podcasts and the like are all such great fun and I think that’s coming out in our work. But in order to do what we really want to do here, MovieByte must grow it’s audience. We are so confident in what we are doing, that we’ve decided to give away something pretty expensive. And we believe in our fans and we know that you will help us spread the word.
We really feel like we have something great going here for movie geeks, lovers of film and TV, or really just anybody who loves to catch up on some cool movie stuff. So we are asking you, if you know anyone who you think would like MovieByte, or would like an HD TV with a one year subscription to Netflix, please let them know about our giveaway. Share it on Facebook and Twitter, email your friends (spam them! whatever it takes!), spread the word. We would appreciate it greatly.
And make sure you are signed up for our giveaway. It’s a great opportunity and we are really happy to be able to do it.
And keep tuning in to MovieByte: we’ll keep the fun coming!