Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter — Review

3.5 of 5 stars
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

You thought you knew him. America’s 16th President. The Great Emancipator. Writer of the Gettysburg Address. Wearer of top hat and chin curtain beard. But as he declares in opening lines of this “However history remembers me, if it remembers me at all, it shall only remember a fraction of the truth.”

The rest of the truth is this — Honest Abe was a vampire hunter, driven to action by his mother’s death at the hands (or should I say teeth) of the undead. Bet you didn’t learn that in history class.

And before we go any further, I may as well make an introduction: Abraham Van Helsing, meet…

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Beige Tights

Beige Tights

Wrapping up the week this week we have ‘The Hobbit’ Production Video #9 and ‘The Hobbit’s’ insane production schedule, TJ’s review of ‘Red Dawn’, Blockbuster getting into the digital magazine business, the official ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ synopsis and TJ’s opinion that it is poorly written, the ‘Revolution’ midseason finale, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart returning to ‘X-Men’, Veronica Belmont exploring whether ‘Looper’ time travel is fact or fictional, Joseph’s review of ‘Life of Pi’ and it’s philosophical issues, Matthew Vaughn being sort of confirmed as director of ‘Star Wars VII’, MovieByte live recording, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Batman, whether that idea has been properly debunked or whether it still might happen, ‘How it Should Have Ended’ ‘Looper’ style, the ‘Jack Reacher’ featurette, and the opportunities MovieByte is making available for you to win a TV, a one year subscription to Netflix, and ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ on Blu-ray. Be sure to enter the contests!

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‘Revenge of the Sith’ as Great Work of Art

‘Revenge of the Sith’ as Great Work of Art
Bleeding Cool

Yes, the long finale of Revenge of the Sith has more inherent artistic value, emotional power, and global impact than anything by the artists you name. It’s because the art world has flat-lined and become an echo chamber of received opinion and toxic over-praise. It’s like the emperor’s new clothes—people are too intimidated to admit what they secretly think or what they might think with their blinders off.

Uh, what?!?

Lucas called this fierce fight [at the climax of Sith] between Anakin Skywalker and his Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi “the turning point of the whole series.” Fire…

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‘Jack Reacher’ Featurette

‘Jack Reacher’ Featurette

Jack Reacher, the upcoming film adaptation of the book by Lee Child starring Tom Cruise, is coming to theaters December 21. That’s less than a month away. As such we can expect to start seeing a lot of stuff like this.

I’m excited about this film so I’ll be keeping my eyes open for more.


How ‘Looper’ Should Have Ended

How ‘Looper’ Should Have Ended

The guys over at How It Should Have Ended have done it again. They think perhaps Looper should have ended differently than it did.

Also, there might be some other time-traveling guests in this epsiode.

Have fun!


Win ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ on Blu-ray!

Win ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ on Blu-ray!

Boy we just love those giveaways don’t we? Here’s your chance to win and here’s is what you have to do.

We’re trying to get The MovieByte Podcast noticed and the best way to do that is to get ratings and reviews in the iTunes store.

How to Enter

So go to The MovieByte Podcast in the iTunes store, leave a review along with a 4 or 5 star rating (we’d love a 5 star, but if you give us a 4 star, we’ll enter you as well) and we’ll enter your name into the drawing for this DVD. The review doesn’t have to be long. We’d love it if you felt so good about our podcast that you left several…

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Soooooooooo Cooool

Soooooooooo Cooool

Join TJ and Joseph for a conversation on the upcoming ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ and ‘Man of Steel’ trailers coming out with ‘The Hobbit’ - TJ is more excited about the ‘Star Trek’ trailer and Joseph is more excited about the ‘Man of Steel’ trailer - which leads to a discussion of ‘Production Video #9’ of the insane production schedule and things going on behind the scenes with ‘The Hobbit, then they turn their attention to Blockbuster getting in the magazine business, Miley Cyrus’ stupid looking ‘So Undercover’ trailer, Matthew Vaughn sort of confirmed for ‘Star Wars VII’, giveaway opportunities, and then the two main film topics, ‘Red Dawn’ and ‘Life of Pi’. TJ doesn’t like ‘Red Dawn’ very much and Joseph has mixed feelings about ‘Life of Pi’. Be sure to leave a review, along with a 4 or 5 star rating of the podcast on iTunes for a chance to win a Blu-ray copy of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’. At least ten entries are needed for the contest so be sure to tell your friends and ask folks to review.

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Giveaway Contest Extension through December 31

Giveaway Contest Extension through December 31

Okay film lovers, here’s the deal. You are still going to get a chance to win the TV. If you’ve entered, you are still entered and your name will still be drawn when the time comes.

But site owner and sponsor of the giveaway, Liberty Alliance, needs to get more entries into this contest. This giveaway, cool as it is and as much as we are excited to give away something so valuable, is about growing the readership of this site. So we have received the word to extend the contest through December.

So here is what you need to do. Tell your friends about the contest and get them to sign up,…

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‘Flight of the Navigator’ To Get Remake

‘Flight of the Navigator’ To Get Remake

Remember the name Colin Trevorrow? We reported a while ago about him being the possible Star Wars: Episode VII helmer and now, after weeks and weeks of rumors, news is now out that he is not taking on Star Wars, but is instead taking on another beloved-nostalgic cinema classic – Flight of the Navigator.

According to Variety, director Colin Trevorrow and screenwriter Derek Connolly, who worked together on this year’s indie Safety Not Guaranteed, have been hired by Disney to (at least) co-rewrite the script for one of my personal childhood favorites.

Well that was one film I didn’t need…

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