‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ Clip!

‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ Clip!

AOL has an exclusive clip from Star Trek Into Darkness and I’ve embedded it right here for your enjoyment.

I have of course, seen this clip already when I went to the sneak peak event held at my local IMAX theater in Nashville (yes, I’m bragging), but now you all can see it. The Prime Directive is in full swing here, which is funny since the Prime Directive was never really fully fleshed out in the original series. Also, it seems like there has always been exceptions for extreme circumstances, like the fact that SPOCK IS GOING TO DIE! if Kirk doesn’t do something.

I will say that I like the pacing and editing of what we see here. Granted it’s hard to gage without the context of the whole film, but it’s working well here. I am, as before with Star Trek 2009, I am not crazy about the overuse of lens flares. A good effect when used sparingly, but when overused takes over and becomes an irritation. But I will muscle through it and enjoy anyway.
