It’s April 15th. One can easily tell this by the collective groan heard across the country as we reckon with the (arguably out of control) tax code. If you are lucky enough to have married a math major (like yours truly) who thinks numbers and stuff are cool, you may not be dealing direclty with the taxes, and yet, you know it’s there, mocking you. You can’t get away from it. It’s never ending.
But, don’t despair and stab your eyes out, let me bring some humor to the situation for you and make it all better. The joker has some words of wisdom for you today: “Some people just want to see the world burn.”
And by the way, this is what we over here like to call a “social media image.” This is one of the things we share to our Twitter and Facebook stream regularly but that may not appear on the site. I’m posting this one here, but there’s lots of other “social media images” that we post to Twitter/Facebook that you may not see here. If you aren’t following us, you’re missing out!