In fact, I could really boil my thoughts on this whole thing down to one word: debauched. Miley has been on a quest for a while to shed her Disney girl image and let’s just say that she has succeeded. What I don’t understand is why would you want to be remembered as the disgusting and perverted girl? Well, in case anyone did before, I don’t think anyone now will every look at her is a good clean girl again.
And Miley has something to say about it. She says:
Madonna’s done it. Britney’s done it. Every VMA performance, that’s what you’re looking for; you’re wanting to make history,
Yeah, you’ve certainly made history all right Miley.
What’s amazing is I think now, we’re three days later and people are still talking about it. They’re over-thinking it. You’re thinking about it more than I thought about it when I did it. Like, I didn’t even think about it, ’cause that’s just me.
Yeah, exactly. You didn’t think about it. I think that’s what the problem is here.
Well, Captain Kirk would like to weigh in on this, I think: