I love Honest Trailers! I’m not sure how, but somehow, I missed this when it came out. I know I could subscribe to the Screen Junkies channel on YouTube, but honestly I don’t use YouTube that way and don’t want to. I see a video, I click and watch, then I go away. I know there’s a whole YouTube culture or whatever where people spend a lot of time on the site and subscribe to a bunch of channels and etc. etc. Well, I still use RSS feeds like they’re the last hope on earth and I found a way to subscribe to a YouTube channel as an RSS feed. So, I have now added the Screen Junkies YouTube channel to my RSS reader so hopefully I’ll miss less of these.
In any event, prepare to watch the trailer for what is either “the most awesome dumb movie ever made”, or, “the dumbest awesome movie ever made.” And while I did find the film to have more substance that all that — much more than I was expecting in fact — this trailer does hit a little to close to home sometimes.
Prepare to feed your inner nine year old…