A studio spokeswoman said Wednesday that Paramount would fight the proposed follow-up to the 1946 holiday classic starring Jimmy Stewart as George Baily, a desperate family man who imagines what his town would be like if he’d never been born. Star Partners and Hummingbird Productions announced plans Monday to create a sequel titled It’s a Wonderful Life: The Rest of the Story.
Bob Farnsworth, president of Nashville, Tenn.-based Hummingbird Productions, told trade publication Variety that the film was set for release in 2015 and would star Karolyn Grimes, who played George Bailey’s daughter in the original film.
“No project relating to It’s a Wonderful Life can proceed without a license from Paramount,” the studio said in a statement. “To date, these individuals have not obtained any of the necessary rights, and we would take all appropriate steps to protect those rights.”
This is the part where I normally start ranting and raving about copyrights and how bad they are for the industry and scociety in general. And I do believe that. If these guys want to make this film they should be able to make this film. Paramount made their money on the original and that’s fine. Don’t stop these guys from telling a story they want to tell.
Of course on the other hand part of me is hoping something, anything, stops them from making this sequel. DO. NOT. WANT. SEQUEL!