I was born and grew up in the 1990s, which means that I was a child during the time period when Disney produced its most successful animated musicals, often referred to as the “Disney Renaissance” and featuring such renowned films as The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast (my review), Aladdin, and The Lion King. While Disney has released a few more animated musicals over the years, the quality has generally not been up to the same standards as those set in the 1990s (though I’m certainly partial to their 2010 offering, Tangled - my review), but with Frozen they finally hark back to those animated films that I grew up with, making it quite an enjoyable experience.
Since TJ is not feeling well and wasn’t on the podcast last night, I thought I would go ahead and share my review of Disney’s Frozen with you all. Joe joined me last night to record Episode #72 of The MovieByte Podcast with me, which should be up sometime today, assuming TJ feels well enough to get it edited and ready to go.
I’m on break from school for a month or so, so you’ll hopefully be seeing my name on here outside of the podcast!
P.S. - One quick, semi-shameless plug: my site, ChadLikesMovies, has a Facebook page, and I would appreciate it if you went over and gave it a “Like.” Make sure to “like” MovieByte on Facebook as well if you haven’t already!