The potential Justice League roster just expanded by one in Zack Snyder‘s new vision of the DC Universe. Theater actor Ray Fisher (not the football player) has been cast as Cyborg in Batman vs. Superman. Since Fisher just played Muhammed Ali in a play staged in New York, he should have the chops to sign on as Cyborg.
Variety reports that the character won’t have a large role in the film, but his role could expand as Warner Bros. preps more DC Universe films. That raises more questions than it answers, really. Variety says “[Cyborg] will become a much more significant role as Warner and D.C. develop more films related to the Justice League universe, sources confirm.”
I imagine the casting decisions over at DC going something like this: “Hey, that Avengers thing made a lot of money, what can we whip together with a bunch of superheroes in it? It can just be a bunch of superheroes we stick together, right?”