J.J. Tweets Photo From ‘Star Wars’ Set, Asks People to Quit Leaking Photos From ‘Star Wars’ Set

J.J. Tweets Photo From ‘Star Wars’ Set, Asks People to Quit Leaking Photos From ‘Star Wars’ Set

There you have it folks, J.J. wants you to knock it off and quit making ridiculous claims that the Falcon is in this movie. But wait, why would Abrams tweet this as a photo? Look closely. Go ahead, look back up there.

That’s the holo-chess board from inside the Falcon. This may be the greatest things Abrams has ever done. Kathleen Kenedy did promise us that part of the negotiation with Abrams is that the production would be a bit more transparent and not quite Abrams usual mystery box fair.

My personal opinion is that the leaks we’ve been seeing are purposeful and I think this photo, asking us to quite being ridiculous about the Millennium Falcon being in this movie — on a set piece from inside the Falcon — is brilliant marketing and hype. It’s sarcastic and funny, and walking the fine line of humor because it would not surprise of Abrams really was upset about the leaks. But in fact I think it’s all very deliberate.

For better or for worse, we’re living in an age where leaks are going to happen, true fans are going to divine information. So better to control that flow of information and to generate good will. I’ve always thought in the past that J.J. was clinging to a dead model and I applaud this if it is all indeed deliberate as I think it is.

All I have left to say is, let the Wookie win!