A Taste of ‘Deep Space 9’ in HD

A Taste of ‘Deep Space 9’ in HD

I think the Star Trek series I want in HD the most is Deep Space Nine. Well, I mean, I want it all in HD if I’m being honest, but Deep Space Nine is such a great series and it would be very awesome to have it in HD. I go back and forth on whether I like it better than TNG and it kind of depends on the day you ask me. But it is great Star Trek and I enjoy it and I want it. Let’s make this happen guys.

So to the reason I’m talking about this today: TrekCore put together some of the footage from the HD remastered TNG episodes that features Deep Space Nine — after all, one of the episodes did take place at Deep Space Nine and the station had a few cameos. Let’s just say it looks a-maz-zing! Check it out (be sure to full screen it and view it in HD).