Visual Effects Reel from ILM for ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

Visual Effects Reel from ILM for ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

In my opinion, The Winter Soldier features some of the better visual effects and CGI we have seen. Why is this? Because during the film, you never once think about tihe effects or notice them — at least I did not. They never got in the way and they served the story.

This effects reel shows just how much CGI and work went into the film. Scenes I hadn’t fully thought of how much was involved. Whole shots composed of nothing but CGI and I never noticed. This is impressive, especially on the heels of The Hobbit series where I felt like the CGI was just a mess. It’s sad that it is too, because I remember when Weta used to be on the digital forefront, not ILM 1.

I believe you will find this a fun video to watch and see the layers and effects used in such a great film.

  1. To be fair, Weta did some amazing CGI work with Gollum and Smaug on The Hobbit series, but some stuff — like Azog — was so wildly inconsistent that it took me out of the film.