‘iZombie’ Trailer — An Undead Veronica Mars?

‘iZombie’ Trailer — An Undead Veronica Mars?

There are some people who make stuff and you just don’t ask questions. The only work I have seen of Rob Thomas’ is the TV series and crowd funded film Veronica Mars, but I am so there. If he can create anything with even a little bit of the creativity and fun of Veronica Mars we should be good to go.

This particular creative Endeavour from Thomas looks pretty weird, and I am so looking forward to it. I don’t typically go for all the zombie stuff, but this looks like quite the fun and creative twist on the concept. It reminds me at least a little of what Joss Whedon did with the Vampire genre, only perhaps more daring. Where our protagonist Buffy was not a vampire, our protagonist here is a zombie. Of course Joss did go on to have a vampire protagonist, Angel, that worked quite well. This is starting out with that idea. Oh, and what better place for a zombie to work than a morgue?

The series premieres on March 17 on The CW network.