Joss Whedon Teases about ‘Avengers 2’

Joss Whedon Teases about ‘Avengers 2’

Apparently, we’re going to be digging in to the characters, and there’s going to be spectacle, and Joss is really excited about the film… who knew, right?

But I am posting this for those of you who, like me, will eat it up anyway. Avengers 2 can’t get here soon enough in my book. What’s taking them so long anyway?

8 ‘Star Wars’ Prequel Lessons

8 ‘Star Wars’ Prequel Lessons

Lesson #1: Please Don’t Make it About Intergalactic Trade and Taxation Laws

This may come as a shock to any accountants out there, but very few of us want pretty much the first words we read when we sit down to watch a family-friendly adventure film to be, “The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute”.

You know what would have been a better subject for the Star Wars prequels? ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING. Anakin’s quest to “Bring Balance to the Force” by finding and confronting Darth Sidious. A mysterious virus decimating the Jedi. Hell, even an uprising staged by a…

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Is That Audrey Hepburn?

Is That Audrey Hepburn?

I have mixed feelings about this commercial.

My first thought was, “wow” as were my second and third thoughts actually.

Wow, you can barely tell she’s CGI.

Wow, you can tell she’s CGI.

Wow, this is so crass. The women is dead, let her rest in peace and stop commercializing her in death.

It’s sort of erie and spooky that we are this close though. I wonder how many people would see that without having any idea that it was CGI and think it’s CGI? My guess, not many. Watch it and let me know if anything stands out to you. I’ll let you watch it first then I’ll tell you what stands out…

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Billion Dollar Super Heroes

Billion Dollar Super Heroes

A fan emailed this in to me and I thought it was pretty good fun. Could you be one of the super-heroes if you had a billion dollars? Let this info-graphic break down the costs for you. This stuff is a bit pricey! Unfortunately, I’ll have to stick to writing about super heroes rather than being one at these prices.

First Person Light Saber Battle

First Person Light Saber Battle

This may be sort of hokey and cheesy, but I’m just enough of a geek to love it.

This is a short film featuring a first person perspective from first Darth Vader, then the Jedi he is fighting. According to the credits on YouTube, it stars Gary Ripper as Darth Vader, and Eric Jacobus as the Jedi.

Everything at The Oscars was “Amazing”

Everything at The Oscars was “Amazing”

Can someone please send us some more adjectives? Because we need them.

Have you ever said or heard a word so much that it just loses all meaning and sounds weird? Well, that’s apparently what happened to the word amazing at the Oscars. There is apparently no other way to describe these events and hairdos.

I feel sorry for whatever editor had to sit through all that footage and put this together but it is… ama… I mean… awesome!

‘Minority Report’ UI Analysis

‘Minority Report’ UI Analysis

As much as I love Minority Report, even I have to admit some of the technology depiction is a bit ridiculous. Seriously, who wants to stand in front of a screen all day waving their arms and hands in tiring gestures, holding them up all day and using strange movements to get the computer to do what you want. And remember when John Anderton (Tom Cruise) went to shake someone’s hand and his files he was working with went flying across the screen with his hand movements? It’s just nuts and completely impractical.

This is a great little video pointing out the technology and UI (User…

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‘The Empire Strikes Back’ Documentary

‘The Empire Strikes Back’ Documentary

Oh wow! I’m geeking out right now. I wish I had more time this morning, I would watch this whole thing. I’ve only made it 6:00 minutes in and I need to move on and get some other things posted this morning so I can get to other work, but I knew pretty quickly this is something you all would be interested in. I mean really, if you don’t have time to watch this right now, do what I’m doing and come back to it later tonight or something when you have time!

Remake the Prequels! (Pretty Please!)

Remake the Prequels! (Pretty Please!)

While George Lucas’ Prequel trilogy — Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Episode II :Attack of the Clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith – does have its supporters, I don’t think I’m going to get much argument when I say they were a massive disappointment. The movies are simply not that good. They’re technically impressive, with some great things about each of them, but overall the scripts are a major downgrade from the original trilogy.

How do we make this happen. How do we get the prequels remade properly? Let’s do it!

Jennifer Lawrence Meets Jack Nicholson

Jennifer Lawrence Meets Jack Nicholson

You know, I don’t go all ga ga over actors and actresses so this is a bit unusual of a thing for me to post, but I do have to just say that Jennifer Lawrence is sort of refreshing in that she seemed so genuinely shocked and surprised by the win and success, despite the fact that she has very well proven what a good actress is. There’s still plenty of time for her to be corrupted by Hollywood at 22 years old, but for now, she seems like such a decent person.