‘Maleficent’ Featurette

‘Maleficent’ Featurette

I’m telling you, this looks like a lot of fun. There’s still some quetions marks hovering over it for me and I could see it being not so good. But I’m going to look forward to it anyway and hope I’m not disappointed.

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Final Trailer

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Final Trailer

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still greatly looking forward to this film. Like, a lot! But this trailer did not really do it for me. Something about the tone felt off before. Several of the previous trailers did a much better job of getting me excited for this film, and that excitement has stuck, but this just didn’t help. The music, the tone, everything just feels off. Just me?

In any event, the film comes to theaters on May 23rd, and it’s going to be epic and I’m very excited for it.

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ 1 Minute Clip

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ 1 Minute Clip

To fuel your excitement (and mind), a new 1 minute clip from the upcoming Days of Future Past has been released and it’s full of mutants working together to fight Sentinels.

There’s obviously a lack of context for what’s going on in this clip — it is an out of context clip after all that’s just meant to be a teaser — but it looks solid to me.

‘How To Train Your Dragon 2’ Trailer 2

‘How To Train Your Dragon 2’ Trailer 2

I litterally just got my How To Train Your Dragon Blu-ray from Netflix in the mail (yeah, yeah, I know, old school), so I’m about to get caught up in time to see this. I should have a little bit better opinion on this franchse after I see the first film.

But in the mean time, catch the second trailer for How To Train Your Dragon 2. I found the tone of the trailer to be just slightly off-putting. The bright and happy music all throughout, even when the evil wicked guy was doing evil wicked things was a little strange.

We’ll see if it’s any good on June 13.

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Featurette

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Featurette

Alright, so this film is not part of Marvel’s cinematic universe, but I’m looking forward to this next X-Men installment quite as much as I’ve been looking forward to any of Marvel’s films. Primarily because it will be good to have Bryan Singer back at the helm — he made the two best films in the franchise thus far. But also because everything I’ve seen up to this point indicates to me that it’s going to be a great film.

This featurette is short but focuses a bit on Bryan Singer and what’s been the best part of returning to the franchise.

‘Lucy’ Trailer Starring Scarlett Johansson

‘Lucy’ Trailer Starring Scarlett Johansson

This looks quite intruiging. Joe pointed out to me on chat earlier that perhaps this was meant to make up for the lack of a Black Widow film, although there are rumblings for that happening at some point in the future.

In any event, I’m interested.

Set in a futuristic world that is run by the mob, street gangs, drug addicts and corrupted cops, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson), a woman living in Taipei, Taiwan, 2069 AD, works as a drug mule for the mob. The drug she inadvertently takes goes into her system, changing her into a metahuman. She can absorb knowledge instantaneously, is able to move…

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Godzzilla TV Spot

Godzzilla TV Spot

I have to admit, as much as great big old monster movies aren’t my thing, I’m intrigued by the upcoming Godzilla film. They certainly have been taking a very artistic approach to the trailers and not playing up the typical monster movie stereo types. Case in point is the latest 30 second spot.

2 Final Clips from ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

2 Final Clips from ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

Many of you might be seeing this film tonight, even more of you will likely see it sometime this weekend. Aside from the fact that this is going to be a good one (I can just feel it!), it is the only new film in wide release this weekend.

But if you need just a little bit more in the appetite whetting department, here are two more clips from the film. Enjoy!