Ruthless and cunning, Congressman Francis Underwood (Oscar® winner Kevin Spacey) and his wife Claire (Robin Wright) stop at nothing to conquer everything. This wicked political drama penetrates the shadowy world of greed, sex, and corruption in modern D.C. Kate Mara (“American Horror Story”) and Corey Stoll (“Midnight in Paris”) costar in the first original series from David Fincher (“The Social Network”) and Beau Willimon (“The Ides of March”).
Well, it appears Netflix has wised up a little bit. You might remember when I initially posted about the new Netflix exclusive TV Series House of Cards, I raked Netflix over the coals a bit for not making the trailer available for embedding anywhere, on top of which you needed an active Netflix account in order to view the trailer. It was a breathtakingly stupid move if you are trying to get more people interested in your upcoming exclusive TV show. Well it looks like they have at least in part rectified the situation. While I still cannot embed any of these new trailers, you can at least view them without having a Netflix account. It would be far better to make them available far and wide to get interest, but this situation has at least improved.
Anyway, these trailers are worth checking out, even if I don’t think this show is really going to be my cup of tea. Do be advised though, they are not afraid to use some pretty strong language.