Secrets from Inside Bad Robot

Secrets from Inside Bad Robot

J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot has become one of Hollywood’s hottest production companies in a relatively short time. From TV hits (Revolution, Person of Interest, LOST) to blockbuster films (Mission Impossible—Ghost Protocol, Super 8, Star Trek), the award-winning company is known for creating compelling, thought-provoking stories. 

How do they do it? 

Join host Matt Feury, pro video marketing manager at Avid, and the editorial, audio, and VFX teams at Bad Robot for a discussion on the innovative workflows the teams created to help them commandeer the story and action at warp speed for the upcoming movie, Star Trek into Darkness

Yes, this is more or less an avid marketing video, but I really enjoyed it and there’s a lot of good stuff here. As a video editor I enjoyed getting to see some of the behind the scenes production stuff, but I also enjoyed some sneak peaks at stuff coming up in the new Star Trek for instance. It’s not blatant, or the purpose of the video, but it’s there.