Analysis of ‘Argo’ and other Oscar wins

Analysis of ‘Argo’ and other Oscar wins
The Playlist

One could suggest that we and other pundits have exhausted the conversation around the 85th Academy Awards. We might not argue with that, but while we’ve had plenty of opportunities to examine the surprisesthe snubs, the show itself, both its best/worst moments and how it can improve, we personally haven’t looked closely at why the outcomes landed where they did (you can see the full list of winners here). And now that the dust has settled, we wanted to analyze why “Argo” won Best Picture and take a general deeper dive into some of the winners.

So, why did the part-dramatic-CIA-nail-biter, part-Hollywood-satire and part-‘70s-political-thriller-homage win Best Picture over all comers? Well, as always, there were several factors at play.

There’s way to much good stuff here to pick and choose any quotes so I just quoted the beginning teaser of the article. You’ll need to click through for the rest.

There’s some good analysis going on here, even if I don’t agree with it all. It’s worth reading.