‘Burt Wonderstone’ Promo

‘Burt Wonderstone’ Promo

This latest “trailer” is more a promo in disguise as an ad for a casino performance. I’m still not sure what I think of this film, or what I’m going to think of it. I don’t like 3 of the 4 lead actors, the three I don’t like being Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, and Steve Buscemi. Or rather, depending upon the context I can tolerate them (for instance, Get Smart starred Carell, but I enjoyed it, and The Island featured Steve Buscemi, not as a lead, but in a fairly prominent part, and I like that film a lot too, but these are exceptions to the rule). I do like Olivia Wilde in the few things I have seen with her.

But, we’ll see come March 15.