‘Tomb Raider’ Reboot Film with Younger Lara Croft

‘Tomb Raider’ Reboot Film with Younger Lara Croft

If it worked for Batman and James Bond, why not Lara Croft?

When the producers behind the now 17-year-old “Tomb Raider” videogame franchise considered options to breathe new life into the series, they turned to movies like Christopher Nolan’s “Batman Begins” and 007 adventure “Casino Royale” for inspiration.

The result is the simply titled reboot “Tomb Raider,” out today through Square Enix, that introduces a younger Croft (now 21) and sends her off on her first big adventure. The action and setpieces are amped up; the graphics are slicker to cater to a younger generation of gamer.


Reboot serves as the basis for a potential new film franchise. Previous attempts died after the wordy sequel “Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life,” earned just $67 million domestically in 2003, and $157 million worldwide.

In a rare situation, Crystal Dynamics is working closely with GK Films to develop the actioner. Gamemakers typically just license off the film rights to a title and hope for something good at the megaplex.

Because apparently we ran out of original content and ideas so everything is a reboot now. Come on Hollywood! Let’s do better please!