‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ Season 5 Blu-ray Trailer

‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ Season 5 Blu-ray Trailer

I’m telling you, I need to scrape some money together and start buying these Blu-rays. Star Trek: The Next Generation is one of my favorite TV shows ever, and the remastered HD episodes I have seen thus far are incredible.

Season 5 is also a really good season of the show. Season 3 really set the show on the right course after the lackluster seasons 1 and 2, and had some of the show’s best episodes. And it’s not that season 4 was bad, but season 5 really brought us another round of really great episodes just like season 3 did. My favorites from season 5 are:

  • Redemption, Pt 2 (obviously watch part 1 first from the last season)
  • Ensign Ro
  • Silicon Avatar
  • Disaster
  • Unification Parts 1 and 2
  • A Matter of Time
  • Conundrum
  • Power Play
  • Ethics
  • Cause and Effect
  • Imaginary Friend
  • I Borg
  • The Next Phase
  • The Inner Light
  • Time’s Arrow Pt, 1

I mean look at that list! It’s pretty rare for a TV series to hit that many home runs in a single season, right?

Here’s the trailer. Watch it and be excited!