Netflix’s “Streamageddon”

Netflix’s “Streamageddon”

Jason Bailey writing over at Flavorwire:

Mashable’s Tuesday piece on “Streamageddon” prompted this response from Netflix: “Our goal is to be an expert programmer, offering a mix that delights our members, rather than trying to be a broad distributor.” Further, the company told The Verge, “The vast majority of the titles that expire on Wednesday are older features that were aggregated by Epix. We recently added many great, more recent titles such as ParaNorman (Universal), Hunger Games (Epix), Safe (Epix) andBachelorette (Weinstein).”

Now, let’s really unpack those statements. First of…

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Netflix’s “Unorganizable” Queue

Netflix’s “Unorganizable” Queue
Sam Adams - Slate

Complicating matters further, Netflix is currently testing a variety of new interfaces, rolling out variations on its iconic queue to small groups of users. Instead of a customizable queue, some—like me—now see a “list” which can only be sorted according to a handful of options. See the screenshot below, and don’t judge me.

What on earth?

Honestly, if I can’t organize the items in my queue, I’d probably leave Netflix. This is just stupid.

Broadcast TV’s Nightmare

Broadcast TV’s Nightmare
Tero Kuittinen -

The latest data from analytics firm Flurry research shows that mobile apps are now used by more than 50 million people in America during the most hectic period of the day. And that moment is at 8:00 p.m. — smack in the middle of TV’s prime time. On weekdays, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. is the stretch when mobile apps reach more than 50 million U.S. consumers. This happens to coincide with the time most big broadcast television shows air. It probably is no coincidence that while mobile app usage exploded between 2011 and 2013, the most important prime time shows started imploding. “American…

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Regal/Cinemark/Disney Dispute, Jeopardizes ‘Iron Man 3’

Regal/Cinemark/Disney Dispute, Jeopardizes ‘Iron Man 3’
Joshua Nealey - Hypable

Yesterday the L.A. Times reported that theaters owned by Regal Entertainment would be pulling marketing materials for Iron Man 3 from their theaters. Apparently, the reason is that Disney has requested theaters to give them a larger share of Iron Man 3 ticket sales, and some theaters have decided to play with fire and buck at their request. Fans have been commenting recently about the fact that they haven’t been able to pre-order Iron Man 3tickets, so we decided to investigate.

We contacted managers at Regal, as well as Cinemark, and both have stated that they will not be showing Iron…

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Stanley Tucci Joins ‘Transformers 4’

Stanley Tucci Joins ‘Transformers 4’
Nick Martin - FilmoFilia

Director Michael Bay delivered a few pieces of news last night at CinemaCon, revealing that he’ll shoot the big showcase scenes in Transformers 4 with the new IMAX 3D digital camera and that Stanley Tucci will join the cast.

Bay was reportedly very excited to have Company You Keep star Tucci onboard the movie, which will star Mark Wahlberg, Jack Reynor and Nicola Peltz, as well as another mysterious young actor that Bay teased will be announced very shortly.

At this time, nothing has been revealed about Tucci’s character.

Why? Why, oh why, oh why would such a fine actor join the…

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Westboro To Picket Ebert’s Funeral

Westboro To Picket Ebert’s Funeral
Kimberly Nordyke - The Hollywood Reporter

Leaders of Kansas’ Westboro Baptist Church, notorious for picketing at the funerals of soldiers and gay teenagers, have revealed that they plan to picket the funeral of late movie critic Roger Ebert on Monday.

In its news release, the group calls Ebert a “f-g enabler” and complains that he used his Twitter “to mock the faithful servants of God at Westboro Baptist Church.”

I’ve just about had enough of these Westboro guys. If I may speak as a Christian for a moment, they bring shame on the name of Christ and make our job that much harder. Yes Ebert was an atheist and it’s sad. And yes,…

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Say “Saoirse Ronan” 3 Times Fast!

Say “Saoirse Ronan” 3 Times Fast!

One of the most troubling things for a movie enthusiast is pronouncing names, like Mia Wasikowska, that belong to filmmakers and movie stars (seriously, who was naming some of these people?). Lord knows that on our podcasts I’ve stumbled over an infinite number of these names. For about two weeks, we had an office debate going on for the right pronunciation of “Ralph Fiennes.”

Nick Blake is taking the pain out of finding the right pronunciations. Watch him — and listen closely — as he waxes eloquently with these tongue-twisting names:

I was seriously hoping someone would tell…

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‘Independence Day’ Sequel(s)

‘Independence Day’ Sequel(s)
Adam Markovitz - Entertainment Weekly

It’s been almost almost 17 years since aliens destroyed the White House and the Empire State Building in Roland Emmerich’s 1996 blockbuster Independence Day. But the world’s monuments aren’t safe yet. Emmerich, whose action-packed White House Down hits theaters June 28, says he plans to wreak a new round of havoc in two sequels – ID Forever Part 1 and ID Forever Part II. The films take place 20 years after the original, when a distress call sent by the first wave of aliens finally brings reinforcements to Earth. ”The humans knew that one day the aliens would come back,” explains the…

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House of Tweets - Social Media and New Media

House of Tweets - Social Media and New Media
Christine Erickson - Mashable

We’ve all been there — a Sunday afternoon marathoning Lost or some other show that’s been aired for years, yet we never got around to watching it.

Now think about when a new show premieres. Most of us whip out our phones and share the excitement along with thousands of other viewers watching on social media. Live events tend to generate a mass amount of buzz because we’re all watching together at the same time.


House of Cards had the highest percentage of overall buzz occur during the first week following the premiere. That buzz also decreased at a faster rate than any of the…

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How Did ‘Identity Thief’ Make So Much Money?

How Did ‘Identity Thief’ Make So Much Money?
Jordan Hoffman -

At around the same time Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s bill to ban the sale of bathtub-sized containers of soft-drinks rich in high fructose corn syrup was blocked, “Identity Thief” crossed the $120 million mark in box office receipts. Call it a coincidence but we’re reading signs in the (sweet, sweet iced) tea leaves. Our culture is killing itself and asking for seconds.

I like this article except for this opening statement and so I just have to interact with it for a minute. While I don’t drink soda and i do think that our culture is killing itself with stuff like that, and it’s killing…

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