‘Minority Report’ UI Analysis

‘Minority Report’ UI Analysis

As much as I love Minority Report, even I have to admit some of the technology depiction is a bit ridiculous. Seriously, who wants to stand in front of a screen all day waving their arms and hands in tiring gestures, holding them up all day and using strange movements to get the computer to do what you want. And remember when John Anderton (Tom Cruise) went to shake someone’s hand and his files he was working with went flying across the screen with his hand movements? It’s just nuts and completely impractical.

This is a great little video pointing out the technology and UI (User…

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‘The Empire Strikes Back’ Documentary

‘The Empire Strikes Back’ Documentary

Oh wow! I’m geeking out right now. I wish I had more time this morning, I would watch this whole thing. I’ve only made it 6:00 minutes in and I need to move on and get some other things posted this morning so I can get to other work, but I knew pretty quickly this is something you all would be interested in. I mean really, if you don’t have time to watch this right now, do what I’m doing and come back to it later tonight or something when you have time!

Six Strikes ISP Policy

Six Strikes ISP Policy
Ars Technica

After months of delay, the “Copyright Alert System,” (also known as “six strikes”) is ready for its “implementation phase.” Participating ISPs will be rolling out the system “over the course of the next several days.”

As we’ve reported previously, six strikes was conceived of by Center for Copyright Information (CCI)—an umbrella group representing major ISPs across the US and representatives from the recording and film industries. The group agreed in 2011 to come up with a six-stage warning scheme that would progressively warn—and eventually penalize—alleged online copyright…

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Everything Wrong with ‘Inception’

Everything Wrong with ‘Inception’

While Inception was okay, it was certainly not Nolan’s best work by any stretch of the imagination. And now, we have the proof! Cinema sins has done a good job of encapsulating everything wrong in Inception. If you love the film, well you might not want to let this spoil it for you!

Chad Didn’t Like ParaNorman

Chad Didn’t Like ParaNorman
Chad Likes Movies

Chad, friend of the site:

I think that ParaNorman is a movie that suffers from poor characters, lame humor, and a lackluster script. While it does contain positive messages about finding the good in people around you, not bullying others because they are different, and being who you are no matter what others say, it’s just not a film that I would recommend.

So did he like it or didn’t he? I’m having a hard time telling…

Seriously though, this sounds about like what I would have expected and frankly, the high ratings from critics confused me as well.

An Aspect Ratio Visual Essay

An Aspect Ratio Visual Essay

Oh aspect ratio, how you vex us! I can remember when I was younger seeing the caption at the beginning of a film on VHS, “This film has been modified from its original version. It has been formatted to fit this screen,” and wondering what it meant. Now of course that I know what it means it makes me upset and angry that doing that was ever a thing. In the video below, the talk is of how cinematographers composed for many different aspect ratios and how things might be either cut off or shown in different contexts, mattes, and aspect ratios. I wish that all films could be shot and composed…

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140-Square Foot Battle of Hoth in Living Room

140-Square Foot Battle of Hoth in Living Room

Oh, you thought you were a Star Wars nerd did you? Not so fast:

Think you’re a Star Wars fan? You’ve got nothing on Barry. Barry turned one of his rooms,the entire room, into a 140 square-foot recreation of the Battle of Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back. From AT-ATs and Snowtroopers, to Snow Speeders and explosions; it’s all there in painstaking detail.

Well okay then. I don’t know why you would want to do this, but okay then.

Should they Reboot ‘Die Hard’?

Should they Reboot ‘Die Hard’?

Short answer: No. “A Good Day to Die Hard” was so dispiriting that it might be better for us to all simply move on with our lives. “A Good Day to Die Hard” was like that crazy uncle you’ve always loved: He gave you $50 for your birthday every year when you were growing up, and then yesterday he appeared out of the blue with a teenaged bride, talking only in Pig Latin. In other words, the unexpected and tonally unfamiliar fifth iteration of the iconic action franchise was completely inexplicable given the affection everyone once had for the series as a whole. Of course, “A Good Day to Die…

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Sam Raimi Won’t Watch ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’

Sam Raimi Won’t Watch ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’

But one person who won’t be watching the Spidey reboots is Raimi himself, but not for the reasons you might think.


There are no grudges or hard feelings about the studio or Webb taking another spin on the franchise, rather it’s just that Raimi isn’t quite ready to watch it. “I’m a big Marc Webb fan and a giant fan of Emma Stone. And of Andrew Garfield...And I love the producers of that movie because they are dear friends, and the writer. But, I haven’t had the guts to go see the movie yet. Because I don’t want to go to my girlfriend’s wedding,”

Much more gracious and professional…

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‘House of Cards’ as ‘Shakespeare’

‘House of Cards’ as ‘Shakespeare’
Book View Café

Warning! Spoilers for House of Cards.

Say what you will about Netflix’s new model for serving up an entire season in one fell swoop, it works for me. I watched the series over the weekend and sticking with it for the duration helped me discover its Shakespearian side. The only question is: which Shakespeare?

At first it’s Macbeth with Frank “Thane of Cawdor” Underwood conducting nefarious acts of treason. In this version, there are no ugly sisters bearing the news of the thane’s forthcoming triumph. In fact his hopes are dashed in the very first scene. Nevertheless the shadow operation…

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