Germain Lussier Describes ‘Days of Future Past’ Trailer from SDCC

Germain Lussier Describes ‘Days of Future Past’ Trailer from SDCC
Germain Lussier - /Film

Earlier this year, director Bryan Singer made headlines when he revealed the 2014 sequel to X-Men First ClassX-Men: Days of Future Past, would not only bring back the First Class cast, but most of the cast from the original trilogy too. That created all kinds of questions, even though many fans are familiar with the time travel storyline of the title.

So how do you get fans excited for a film that’s over a year away and still filming? You bring the whole cast to San Diego Comic-Con‘s Hall H and present a brand new trailer that lays out some of the story. That story shows Professor X…

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‘The Avengers: Age of Ultron’ — Joss Whedon Reveals the Sequel!

‘The Avengers: Age of Ultron’ — Joss Whedon Reveals the Sequel!

Because there’s so much info on this, I’m going to quote several sources on this. So instead of making this a Linked List post to a single item, this is a big conglomeration of info about the second Avengers film.

First up, Russ Ficher of /Film:

Joss Whedon took the stage at Hall H today to intro a brief teaser clip for a new film. The footage featured animated close-ups of metal being pounded into shape as we hear clips of dialogue from The Avengers. But as the metal object revolves and the camera pulls back the head of Ultron is revealed.

Smash cut to title: The Avengers: Age of…

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Hudgens “Wanted To Play Prostitute” & ‘Frozen Ground’ Trailer

Hudgens “Wanted To Play Prostitute” & ‘Frozen Ground’ Trailer
Catherine Earp - Digital Spy

Heat quotes Hudgens as saying at an Apple Store Q&A: “I always wanted to play a really heavy role. I remember being like 12 I think and being like, ‘I want to play a prostitute and do drugs’.”

She also discussed a scene where she had to pole dance: “It’s nerve-wracking that’s for sure. My heart was beating out of my chest while we filmed it.

Uhh, okay. Weird, messed up even, but okay.

However, while I’m not a big fan of Hudgens, the film does actually look intersting. We in the States have to wait until August 23, but if you happen to be in the U.K. the film comes out on…

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Peter Sciretta and Germain Lussier Liked ‘The Wolverine’

Peter Sciretta and Germain Lussier Liked ‘The Wolverine’

I hate to get my hopes too high, but it sure sounds like my kind of movie with good character development and good plot. I did not hate the previous film, but I was dissapointed in that I thought it could have been much better.

It is nice too, that this film is finally taking place in a post-X-Men: The Last Stand timeline. On the one hand, I like to pretend that third film does not exsist. But on the other, I’m tired of all the prequel stuff.

In any event, here is the video of Peter and Germain’s reaction.

David Chen: “Five Ways ‘Pacific Rim’ Succeeds

David Chen: “Five Ways ‘Pacific Rim’ Succeeds
David Chen - /Film

I’ll be the first to admit it: the summer movie season is starting to wear on me. Every week, it feels like we’re subject to another mindless big budget blockbuster, another craven attempt by a big studio at minting a money-making franchise. I wasn’t sure how many more time I could witness the entire world being imperiled, only to be barely saved by our heroes-of-the-week.

Then I saw Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim. 

For me, Pacific Rim stands above the summer box office fray. Not since I first saw Roland Emmerich’s Independence Day back in 1996 have I felt as entertained and as awed…

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Infographic: Just How Big Are The Jaegers from ‘Pacific Rim’?

Infographic: Just How Big Are The Jaegers from ‘Pacific Rim’?

Did you ever wonder why there is an Internet? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I sit around and ponder these existential questions. Why am I here, what is the meaning of life, why does it always rain when I need to mow the grass, why is water wet, why is there an Internet. You know, all the important things.

Well, I have found the very reason that the internet exists and I have it here for you now. Over on this Reddit thread is where I found it. It shows how big the Jaegers are in comparison to other well known things. And, well, those things are FREAKING HUGE!

Here, take a look…

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How ‘Man of Steel’ Should Have Ended

How ‘Man of Steel’ Should Have Ended

Nail, meet hammer head! These seem so much more poignant when I hate the movie that they are about I guess.

In any event, obviously you should probably have watch Man of Steel before you see this, but I highly recommend it. This would have solved a number of my problems with Man of Steel! The problem is, the film would have been far shorter. What the film really needed was a real script. Alas, we didn’t get that…

Well, enjoy this anyway.

Why Ashton Kutcher Chose to Play Steve Jobs

Why Ashton Kutcher Chose to Play Steve Jobs
Jordan Golson - MacRumors

Ahead of its debut, actor Ashton Kutcher has taken to the Q&A site Quora to explain why he chose to take on the role of Steve Jobs.

Choosing to take this role was very difficult. I greatly admire the work that Steve Jobs has done and have many friends and colleagues who knew and/or worked for Steve. So, when I read a screen play that was not entirely flattering to his character I had great reservations.  But I chose to take on the role for a couple reasons. 

1. I care. As I read the script I had a knot in my stomach. I imagined actors playing the role and not connecting to the love…

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The Pixar Theory

The Pixar Theory
Jon Negroni

Every Pixar movie is connected. I explain how, and possibly why. Several months ago, I watched a fun-filled video on that introduced the idea (at least to me) that all of the Pixar movies actually exist within the same universe. Since then, I’ve obsessed over this concept, working to complete what I call “The Pixar Theory,” a working narrative that ties all of the Pixar movies into one cohesive timeline with a main theme. This theory covers every Pixar production since Toy Story.

This is absolutely amazing and astounding. Please take the time to read this. I don’t really…

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