‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Trailer 2

‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Trailer 2

Marvel has so few misses these days, that you have to wonder when the next one is coming… but I sure don’t think this is going to be the one. How do you come off the heels of a very serious and kind of emotionally heavy film like Captain America? Well, it looks like Marvel’s answer is Guardians of the Galaxy in which we get to see Chris Pratt play Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel use his baritone to declare that he is Groot, a African/American woman play a green alien, and a CGI raccoon… make some adjustments to his costume… (I have truly seen it all now).

Seriously though, this looks like a…

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Godzilla (2014) — Review

3 of 5 stars
Godzilla (2014)

Since the human race seems to have a fascination with monsters, monsters in art, and monster movies, it is no surprise that a new Godzilla film has made its way from the cameras and computers of a studio near you, to your local theater.

I confess to having never seen a Godzilla film before, but even I know who and what Godzilla is. He’s the “King of the Monsters!”

In the past, Godzilla has sometimes taken on the role of antagonist, sometimes protagonist in that he’s the lesser of two or more threats and can help with those threats. Minor spoier alert, he takes on that second role here in…

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‘Interstellar’ Trailer: Christopher Nolan Looks To Save The World for Food Shortage

‘Interstellar’ Trailer: Christopher Nolan Looks To Save The World for Food Shortage

Finally, a pretty good look at what we’re in for with Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film Interstellar starring Mathew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway, Casey Affleck, and Michael Caine. It looks like a very emotional story about a father who does what he can to make a better future for his children. Regardless of the impetus behind the space exploration plot feeling slightly forced, it’s Nolan and I think it’s going to be really good. And there’s hardly a better story to be found than a father’s love for his daughter motivating his actions.

As you would expect from Nolan, it’s…

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Blu-rays of Unadulterated Original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy? YES, PLEASE!

Blu-rays of Unadulterated Original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy? YES, PLEASE!
Linda Ge — Bleeding Cool

Here’s a kind of convoluted rumor for you to chew on as we continue to wait for no news about Star Wars: Episode VII. According to an interesting e-mail we’ve intercepted, and which purports to come from within Disney’s marketing department,  the studio are planning to re-release A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi on DVD/Blu-Ray/On Demand in their original form, without all the things George Lucas changed for the “Special Edition” releases back in 2004.

I want this so very, very badly. I will buy in a hearbeat. And yet, Devin Faraci over at Badass Digest brings me…

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‘Godzilla 2’ Is a Thing

‘Godzilla 2’ Is a Thing
Russ Fischer — /Film

With Godzilla in theaters, Legendary and Warner Bros. have revealed discussions for a sequel. We don’t know what the story will be (Mothra, perhaps?), and there is no confirmation that director Gareth Edwards will return, but given the performance of the first film, there’s reason to guess that the job of directing Godzilla 2 is Edwards’ to refuse. The fact of sequel development hardly comes as a surprise, but this is the first official nod acknowledging that something is in the works.

I’m not shocked. It’s the first good take on a Godzilla film as far as I’m aware, and Godzilla already…

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This is a Movie About A Glass Slipper

This is a Movie About A Glass Slipper

Disney has chosen to tease its upcoming live action film Cinerella with a single shot of the iconic glass slipper and some very Disney-ish sounding music.

I’ve said it before but, I’m just not sure why I needed a live action Cinderella and this does absolutely nothing for me. But I suppose I am not the target demographic.

Now, the film does have a somewhat interesting cast. Hayley Atwell as Cinderella’s Mother, Helena Bonham Carter as Fairy Godmother (wait, what?), Cate Blanchett as Lady Tremain, Richard Madden as Prince Charming (don’t know this actor but felt weird to leave him out),…

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‘Transformers: Age of Extinction’ Trailer 2

‘Transformers: Age of Extinction’ Trailer 2

Well, this looks about like the complete and utter dreck you would expect from a Michael Bay Tranformers movie. But, it does have Stanley Tucci in it. Maybe that can raise the bar to make it a little bit watchab… hahahahahahaha. Nope. Couldn’t do it with a straight face.

But whatever, if you guys are into dumb stupid action films that have no plot and/or substance, then you’ll love this trailer.

It Doesn’t Matter Who Directs ‘Star Trek’? I Beg To Differ

It Doesn’t Matter Who Directs ‘Star Trek’? I Beg To Differ
Scott Beggs — FilmSchoolRejects

It doesn’t matter who directs Star Trek 3.

If there’s anything we’ve learned from the past two decades of blockbusting dominance, it’s that sequels are somehow not universally feared anymore. If there’s a second thing we’ve learned, it’s that studios are embracing franchising instead of stripping a popular movie for parts and hack-jobbing it into a 7-movie series composed mostly of direct-to-your-home schlock until it fails to turn a profit on diminishing returns.

And if there’s a third lesson, it’s that the insulation of studio filmmaking has largely made the director’s name irrelevant.…

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‘The Shack’ Will Star Oprah, Forrest Whitaker, and Idris Elba

‘The Shack’ Will Star Oprah, Forrest Whitaker, and Idris Elba
Morgan Lee — Christian Post

Earlier this week, The Tracking Board reported that Elba, who stars in the television series Luther and was recently seen in Thor: The Dark World and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom could be cast as the lead. It did not specify which part Oprah could be given, although the main character, Mackenzie Allen Phillips, encounters three versions of God while in the shed, one of them Papa, an African-American woman.

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

The two other members of the Trinity who Phillips meets are Jesus, a Jewish Carpenter, and Sarayu, a woman of unclear Asian descent whom…

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The Double (2014) — Review

4 of 5 stars

Give a warm welcome to Ben Riley and his first contribution to MovieByte. To be honest, I have been wanting to bring someone onto MovieByte that both tends to have different opinions than my own, and who tends to watch and enjoy different types of films than I do as well. I believe Ben matches that description. As such, he has kindly watched and submitted his first film review of The Double which I was only slightly interested in.



More about Ben Riley

The Double (2014)

Richard Ayoade’s The Double is a film that is interesting because, like so many art films, it simultaneously invites and defies interpretation. I could argue that it is an unusual study of masculine self realization; or perhaps, I might say that it is a disturbing depiction of primal male impulses. Is it about individuality being suppressed by the demands of corporate society? Or perhaps a thoughtful rumination on the unique identity? Is it a study on the way a perceptive individual struggles with anima and persona? The Double is, perhaps, all of these things; it is possible that it is none…

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