Simon Pegg Will Co-Write Next ‘Star Trek’ Film

Simon Pegg Will Co-Write Next ‘Star Trek’ Film
Kayla Iacovino —

It was just confirmed by Deadline that Simon Pegg (JJ Trek’s Scotty) and Doug Jung (creator of the TNT series Dark Blue) will co-write the script for the next Star Trek film. This comes on the heals of the exit of Bob Orci and the announcement that Justin Lin (Fast and Furious 6) will take on the director’s chair for the third film in the new franchise.

So that’s kind of weird. But I like Pegg and I could see it working out well. But, I do think that means we may bet a bit more humor than we really want in a Star Trek film. I could be wrong.

Into the Woods (2014) — Review

3.5 of 5 stars
Into the Woods (2014)

Into the Woods is based on the award winning Broadway musical of the same name. The play is much celebrated and many love it, but it is by no means for children. It deals with very adult themes and content. As such, one wonders what Disney’s interest in the film is/was? Disney is not beyond making more adult content, but it’s almost always of a type that children can still watch and enjoy as well. Though I believe it was Disney’s intent to put this film in that later category, I certainly don’t think I would take any of my children (8, 6, 4, and 2) to see it — and therein lies one of the big…

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Fizz’s Top Ten Films of 2014

Fizz’s Top Ten Films of 2014
Mikey Fissel — Reel World Theology

2014 was a pretty solid year for film. Until I sat down to write up this list, I thought 2014 may have been a down year in film, but I have been reminded that it’s been a long year with a lot of solid and engaging films– well worth viewing AND discussing.

I thought I would remind you all that my top films of 2014 is in dispute and my opinion does not (unfortunately) reign supreme. I disagree with a couple of these, but there’s a lot more cross over than I might have thought.

Obviously, I also have to quote his bit about my official favorite film from 2014:

A really great spy/thriller…

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Clark Reviews ‘American Sniper’

Clark Reviews ‘American Sniper’
Clark Douglas — 365 Movie Guy

As far as Chris is concerned, the war he’s eventually asked to participate in is a simple one: there are a bunch of violent savages over there, and it’s America’s job to go over there and kill them before they kill us.

Based on what I’ve read, this seems like a fairly accurate portrait of Kyle’s mindset, but the problem is that the film itself seems to share the same mentality. It oversimplifies an incredibly complex war for the sake of permitting American Sniper to double as a propaganda film; the American equivalent of that fictional German sniper biopic featured at the end of Quentin…

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The 2015 Oscar Nominees Have Been Announced

The 2015 Oscar Nominees Have Been Announced
2015 Oscars

Head on over to see the nominees.

Not many surprises — at least in the categories I’ve had time to go over. Although, if you follow me or the MovieByte account on Twitter you probably saw me and Fizz talking about how The LEGO Movie was snubbed for a nomination in the Best Animated Feature Film category. You may remember from my commentary on the Golden Globes that I thougth Big Hero 6 was the best of the year, but I think The LEGO Movie should have at least been nominated. Why the snub?

I still think The Imitation Game is probably the best picture of 2014. Of course I had not seen the film…

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RUMOR: Spider-Man to Appear in ‘Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1’

RUMOR: Spider-Man to Appear in ‘Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1’
Kevin Jagernauth — The Playlist

WARNING! Major potential spoilers ahead.

Latino Review is reporting that an agreement has been reached and Spider-Man, instead of appearing in ‘Civil War,’ will now swing into “Avengers: Infinity War Part 1.” This is where the spoilers come into play. First, ‘Civil War’ will conclude with Steve Rogers being killed by Crossbones. “Thor: Ragnarok” will find our titular hero imprisoned, and Iron Man’s future post-‘Civil War’ is in question, so essentially this leaves a lot of room for Spider-Man to join the Avengers. This scenario posits a new ‘Avengers’ lineup after this year’s film, with…

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Jeremy Renner’s Aaron Cross Will Not Meet Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne

Jeremy Renner’s Aaron Cross Will Not Meet Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne
Kevin Jagernauth — The Playlist

And some people say miracles don’t happen.

Marshall has now switched gears entirely, and it looks like it’s a Bourne-only world after all, at least as far as movies are concerned. He will not be rolling with Aaron Cross. “We don’t have plans for that. You never know. I never say never. But that’s not the plan. They’re on separate tracks,” he said.

I like Jeremy Renner, I like Hawk Eye and all that, but The Bourne Legacy with Aaron Cross was an unmitigated disaster and I’m glad to see them drop that idea like a hot potato. Meanwhile, I’m glad the real Bourne is back.

John Wick — Review

4.5 of 5 stars
John Wick

Once upon a time, before he retired, the Russians called him Baba Yaga. The Boogeyman. This and this alone should tell you that John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is not a guy you want to mess with.

Too bad nobody told Iosef Tarasov (Alfie Allen) before he killed Wick’s dog. Not just any dog, either, but a parting gift from his recently deceased wife.

Iosef’s father, Viggo Tarasov (Michael Nyqvist), is head of the Russian mob in New York. To say he’s disappointed in his son’s behavior would be a bald understatement. His mood hardly improves when Wick starts systematically dismantling his empire.…

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RUMOR: Orci Was Going to Resurrect Vulcan in His Version of ‘Star Trek 13’

RUMOR: Orci Was Going to Resurrect Vulcan in His Version of ‘Star Trek 13’
Natalie Zutter —

When Roberto Orci stepped down from directing Star Trek 3, rumor had it that one of the major problems was his screenplay. According to Badass Digest, the script saw the Vulcans racing to find a time travel device so that they could go back in time and save their planet Vulcan from (in the reboot’s new timeline) Nero blowing it up with red matter, effectively rebooting the reboot.

It’s for several reasons that I’m glad Orci won’t be helming the new Star Trek, but this one is paramount: They shouldn’t try and resurrect Vulcan!

This is terrible if true. And again, completely rumor, but if…

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‘House of Cards’ Season 3 Official Trailer

‘House of Cards’ Season 3 Official Trailer

Get ready for the most cinematic event on TV, that’s not even “on TV” (if you think TV is the broadcast stuff). Season 3 of House of Cards is only a little over one month away. The new season will debut on February 27, and if the first two seasons are any indication, all of season 3 will be available for streaming in it’s entirety on that day, causing hundreds of thousands of viewers around the U.S. to lose all of their sleep that night binge watching.

The line between TV and cinema has been, in some quarters, becoming blurred. Yes, there’s plenty of TV out there that is not cinematic in the…

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