TV Spot for ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

TV Spot for ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

There’s not really a lot new going on here in this trailer, just a lot of re-shuffling of images we’ve already seen — and maybe a little bit more footage of what appears to be our big bad guy for this installment. But it’s certainly cut together in a way to make us even more suspcious about who’s going to bite the dust in this film. Could it be possible that they’re killing off a very expensive actor’s character. But then, are we really going to fall for that when we thought for sure they were going to do it in Thor: The Dark World with *[SPOILER] (see bottom for name) and that turned out not…

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Of Course ‘The Hunger Games’ Has To Digitally Recreate Philip Seymour Hoffman

Of Course ‘The Hunger Games’ Has To Digitally Recreate Philip Seymour Hoffman
Sean O’Connell

Sources touched on the fact that Hoffman still had one major scene left to film in Mockingjay, Part 2, and that certain filmmaking tricks would have to be employed to complete the movie. Today, yet another version of that story is circulating, with The NY Post becoming the first outlet to confirm that the filmmakers will “digitally recreate” Hoffman in this pivotal scene. As was reported earlier, none of this will affect the release date of either Mockingjay film. Part one is due in theaters on Nov. 21.

At the risk of sounding insensitive, of course Hoffman is going to have to be recreated…

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Will Smith Decides Not To Star in ‘Independence Day 2’?

Will Smith Decides Not To Star in ‘Independence Day 2’?
Kevin Jagernauth — The Playlist

Yes, no, maybe: those are the three answers Will Smith has given to 20th Century Fox about returning for “Independence Day 2” aka “ID Forever” over the past few years. But now it seems he’s made up his mind. Almost.

Deadline reports that Smith won’t be starring in the sequel that is set for a 2016 release, but they add that they were “told not to set this in stone, because Smith has been back and forth before on whether to make the movie.” That said, they do believe he’ll be letting director Roland Emmerich know shortly that he won’t be coming back. But this is why you always plan ahead.…

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Find Out The Back Story Behind ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ (video)

Find Out The Back Story Behind ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ (video)

If you’re like me, you’re not really into comic books that much. I mean I had a few when I was a kid but I never got into them. And I’m not into them now. But I’m really into comic book movies. Weird, right?

Well in any event, just because I’ve never been into the comic books doesn’t mean I’m not interested in a little history lesson. In this video form from Scott Collura of IGN, the information is fun and easily digestible. I enjoyed it a lot and I thought you all might as well.

X-Men: Days of Future Past will be premiering on May 23 so go ahead and watch and get up to speed on what’s…

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Tom Hanks Could Have Been Lex Luthor? (?!?)

Tom Hanks Could Have Been Lex Luthor? (?!?)
Devin Faraci — Badass Digest

Tom Hanks’ name was brought up internally at Warner Bros as a possibility for Lex Luthor in Batman vs Superman. They went instead with Jesse Eisenberg. What does this tell us about what’s going on behind the scenes?

Well, the Hollywood Reporter story about the casting of Eisenberg (sort of misleadingly titled “Why Warner Bros.’ Superman-Batman Movie Cast a Young Lex Luthor”) doesn’t say who brought up Hanks’ name internally - was it a bunch of studio suits or was it Snyder’s team? If it was Snyder’s team we see a casting process that reveals a movie finding its way; casting Tom Hanks makes…

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Bob Iger Says ‘Captain America 2’ Sets Events in Motion for ‘Avengers’ and ‘SHIELD’

Bob Iger Says ‘Captain America 2’ Sets Events in Motion for ‘Avengers’ and ‘SHIELD’
Brent Lang — The Wrap

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier” will “set critical events in motion” that will lead directly into next year’s “The Avengers: Age of Ultron,” The Walt Disney Company CEO and Chairman Robert Iger told investors and analysts Wednesday.

In addition, the Disney chief said that the parts of the “Captain America” sequel’s plot will be reflected in ABC’s “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

It continues Disney’s transmedia strategy, an approach that weaves a narrative across multiple media platforms, spanning movies, television shows, comics and social media outlets.

And this is quite a good…

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No One Gets Taken in ‘Taken 3’

No One Gets Taken in ‘Taken 3’
Russ Fischer — /Film

But let’s get it from Liam Neeson, via Bleeding Cool. The actor was on the show hosted by Jonathan Ross in the UK, and explained “They called me up and I said “I’ll do it… but only as long as nobody gets taken.”

Neeson didn’t give up any more details, perhaps having been well-conditioned by the Christopher Nolan PR machine. Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen scripted the film, and we know that Maggie Grace, playing Neeson’s daughter, will also be back for a third turn. Kamen had actually explained this “no taking” policy for the third film back in 2012: “We’ve taken everyone we can take —…

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‘Divergent’ Final Theatrical Trailer

‘Divergent’ Final Theatrical Trailer

I’m a sucker for this sort of film but I kind of doubt it’s going to be any good. But Lionsgate is feeling pretty good about it, they’re already working on the sequel (Insurgent).

Given the way this film looks, I’d sure be waiting to see if it made any money. Granted there do seem to be some themes that would resonate with today’s teens and young adults, such as non-conformance. And the books by Veronica Roth on which this film is based are very popular so who knows what will happen. And I’m hoping the film might be okay. You never know, stranger things have happened.

Who is Jesse Eisenberg Really Playing in ‘Batman Vs. Superman’?

Who is Jesse Eisenberg Really Playing in ‘Batman Vs. Superman’?
Drew McWeeny – HitFix

There’s not a trick answer to this. When Warner Bros. announced last week that Jesse Eisenberg had been hired to play Lex Luthor in the sequel to last year’s “Man Of Steel,” that is correct. He is playing Lex Luthor. But when they say that, it’s still not a definitive explanation of what you’re going to see when that film arrives in theaters on the now-scheduled date of May , 2016. Which Lex Luthor is he going to play? For comic book fans, there are many possible answers to that question, and for fans of the various live-action and animated interpretations, there are even more possibilities…

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‘The Lego Movie’ Sequel Already in the Works

‘The Lego Movie’ Sequel Already in the Works
Kevin Jagernauth — The Playlist

A movie based on Lego? Sheesh, how crass can Hollywood get? Well, time to put that cynicism away because the reviews are in, and for the most part, “The Lego Movie” defies expectations. Fun, clever and inventive, Phil Lordand Chris Miller’s film is receiving great notices, with our own take on the movie calling it, “the first great studio film of 2014, one that fills you with childlike wonder and awe, no matter your age.” So, shocker, a sequel is already in the works.

I’m not really too surprised. This time of year we’re in a sort of famine for good movies and this one certainly looks to…

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