TJ chats with you about last weekend’s box office successes and faiures and which of those films deserved and/or didn’t deserve what it got. And there’s plenty of Marvel and Joss Whedon in the news. Kevin Feige over at Marvel seems to think we’ll be seeing more of The Hulk and Hawkeye around the Marvel universe. And we really want to know, will Joss Whedon kill off one of the Avengers? It’s a tricky proposition either way really, and TJ explains. The Chinese think that ‘Pacific Rim’ was nothing more than an American propaganda film. ‘Arrested Development’ is getting the silver screen treatment. TJ reviewed ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones’ and he did not like it! TJ also has a rumor that, if true, would be a fairly big spoiler for ‘Avengers 2’, make sure to listen for that! Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright have directed episodes of ‘House of Cards’ which will be airing next year. And of course, tune in to hear about what you might like to see this weekend!
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