Battleship — Review

1.5 of 5 stars

The Battle for Earth Begins at Sea

If you didn’t get enough of the Transformers franchise from Michael Bay’s trilogy, and you simply cannot wait for the next installment, here is an appetizer. Battleship, by director Peter Berg, is one ginormous action flick for people that don’t mind absurdity and inauthenticity. If it’s strange alien lifeforms, super-sized battle sequences, and impulsive/irrational heroics you want, catch Cowboys and Aliens, I Am Number Four, or Battleship.


Battleship is an epic-scaled action-adventure that unfolds at sea in the skies and over land as the…

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‘Looper’ Behind the Scenes Featurette (with video)

‘Looper’ Behind the Scenes Featurette (with video)

If you weren’t looking forward to Looper, perhaps I can help with that. I mean, you would be crazy because who doesn’t want to see a film with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis?

But just in case you weren’t looking forward to it, here’s a behind the scenes featurette. My favorite part is Joseph Gordon-Levitt saying, “Of course he gets the better of me, he’s Bruce Willis.”

It’s hard not to get my expectations up, though I typically like a film better when I don’t. But I am greatly looking forward to this one.


Bones Season 8 Premiere

Bones Season 8 Premiere

Bones, Season 8 Premiers tonight on Fox at 8/7c. Since I am a cable cutter I will have to wait for it to become available online. I will likely get a season pass in iTunes, then I’ll be able to let you know what I think of the season premier.

I’m still waiting for a network or even just a specific TV show to be available instantly on demand. Seems like it would be the next logical step in TV delivery. My hopes are not high that the networks and studios are interested in working with the evolving technology however. So I’m sure that I’ll simply have to wait a day for it to become available…

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RoboCop Set Pictures

RoboCop Set Pictures
Slash Film

I’m reluctant to say that this is absolutely 100% the design for the new RoboCop, despite the fact that these pictures were snapped on the Toronto set of Jose Padilha‘s new version of the story. I say that because I’m not certain that we’re seeing Joel Kinnamanin the suit there, though it could be a stuntman in a version of the suit that Kinnaman wears.

Still, these are pics of a suit from the set of the new RoboCop, and so, combined with what we’ve seen of the new ED209, they give us some idea of what this movie is going to look like. Check out full-size shots below.

I was a kid when…

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Eastwood Would ‘Say Something Else’ in Do Over

Eastwood Would ‘Say Something Else’ in Do Over
Movie Line

Making his first press appearance since that headline-grabbing Republican National Convention speech, Clint Eastwood laughed off his rambling, off-the-cuff missive to an invisible Obama. “It didn’t get the response I wanted,” joked the 82 year-old actor and filmmaker at a press conference for his upcoming baseball flick Trouble With The Curve, “because I was hoping they’d nominate me.”


Eastwood explained what he’d been trying to convey when he improvised an exchange with an empty chair on the RNC stage: “My only message was [that] I wanted people to take the idolizing factor out…

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Avenger’s Tower

Avenger’s Tower
Slash Film

Is it possible that even though millions upon millions of eyeballs watched Joss Whedon‘s massive superhero blockbuster, The Avengers, every one of them missed a clue to its sequels? Spoilers follow for The Avengers but, at the end of the film, with Manhattan completely destroyed, we see Tony Stark and Pepper Potts jokingly working on a building. Then, the final shot of the movie reveals that all the letters of “STARK” fell off Stark Tower save for one: the A. A for Avengers.

If you look at a screen grab from the film, it seems like that’s exactly what Tony Stark is building at the end…

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Obsessed With Kirk

Obsessed With Kirk
The Incomparable 107

We take on one of our favorite movies, “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,” while also acknowledging the flaws that make it all the more lovable. Topics include: How Genesis is the galaxy’s worst Kickstarter project; Why it’s always important to count the planets, especially at Ceti Alpha; The size of the Botany Bay library and why it makes Khan so mad at Kirk; Why Scott’s email is more secure than the Reliant; The real name of Khan’s right-hand man; and how Spock’s death solves Kirk’s mid-life crisis. Also, we scientifically prove that “Wrath of Khan” is better than Star Wars.

As a…

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‘Lincoln’ by Spielberg Releases an Official Trailer

‘Lincoln’ by Spielberg Releases an Official Trailer

I’m thinking the movie is going to be the sort of movie I have been anticipating. It will tell a story of Lincoln the way we want to be told he was — not necessarily how he actually was.

It’s very difficult to address historical figures. Someone like Lincoln is still relatable to Americans today. We see his image on our currency, and we hear stories of his kindness, honesty, and sincerity. We are glad to quickly overlook that this president made the country go to war with itself. Obviously it could not have been an easy choice (or his first choice), but it still gives me pause enough to…

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You Gave Them Your Money Twice?

You Gave Them Your Money Twice?

“Asps… very dangerous. You go first.” In this episode, TJ and Joseph discuss the Indiana Jones film ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ and the recent release of the film to IMAX theaters. They cover how well it held up on the ginormous IMAX screen, what worked and didn’t work about this 1981 film now that it’s 2012, how much it cost to make this film back in the day, its great rating on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB, their childhood experiences with the Indy trilogy, John Williams score and a more general discussion of John Williams film compositions and. They also discuss the idea of a fifth ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ film, Joss Whedon’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ starring Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker, ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ out for Home Entertainment, ‘For Greater Glory’ now on DVD and more.

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EW has a new Photo for ‘Fringe’

EW has a new Photo for ‘Fringe’
Entertainment Weekly

As you should have already heard, the fifth and final (sniff) season of Fringe largely takes place in 2036, a time in which the Observers have taken over.

In this season, which picks up right after “Letters of Transit,” the Fringe team, who have been preserved in amber for 20 years, are part of the resistance movement and fighting for freedom from their pale rulers. And it’s clear in the photo below, which you’re seeing first on, that they’re not going down without a fight.

Is it September 28 yet? (yeah, I’m going to keep asking until it is).