Portal Gun - Fact or Fictional

Portal Gun - Fact or Fictional

This is fun, and I’ve posted stuff from Fact or Fictional before, and I’ve talked about Portal before. Well, I’ve talked about GLaDOS from Portal before, specifically as it relates to Pacific Rim. So this is related, right? Right?!?

Look, just go with me on this, it’s related.

Have fun:

Speculation on J.J.‘s ‘Star Wars’

Speculation on J.J.‘s ‘Star Wars’
The Playlist - Indiewire.com

With the news arriving yesterday that “Lost” co-creator and “Star Trek” director J.J. Abrams will take over from George Lucas and direct “Star Wars: Episode VII,” the first in a planned platoon of new “Star Wars” features from Disney, it inevitably means speculation about what, exactly, such a decision will mean for the franchise.

This is, after all, a series that has been almost exclusively under the control of a single man since the original debuted back in 1977 (the two sequels from the original trilogy were directed by journeyman filmmakers under the tight authorial control of…

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Kirsten Dunst and Jim Sturgess Defy Gravity - Upside Down Trailer

Kirsten Dunst and Jim Sturgess Defy Gravity - Upside Down Trailer

Color me impressed, this is an actual interesting concept that I have never, and probably would never have conceived of. Now, don’t think too hard about actual science as you read, look at the images, and watch the trailer, unless I’m mistaken it need not apply here.

And now, observe a screen shot from the trailer.

No, that image has not been flipped upside down, Kirsten Dunst’s world has. In Upside Down, Kirsten Dunst and Jim Sturgess star in this sci-fi romance as a pair from two adjacent planets with opposite gravitational pulls who fall in love. But their laws forbid interaction…

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The Flare is Strong With This One

The Flare is Strong With This One

TJ wraps up the week with ‘The Hobbit’ VFX videos, he particularly liked the one about designing Gollum, SuperHeroHype.com’s 9 Things We Want from Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D., Tom Cruise playing Tom Cruise the the first TV spot for the upcoming ‘Oblivion’, an upcoming TV show on the SyFy channel called ‘Defiance’, his Gangster Squad review, Jimmy Olsen is a girl in the upcoming ‘Man of Steel’, the Honest trailer for ‘Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’, J.J. Abrams thinks you should be prepared to cry in the upcoming ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’, Joseph’s ‘Broken City’ review — TJ like the film but Joseph didn’t, Joseph’s review of ‘The Last Stand’ and how Joseph should have saved himself the pain and trouble on catching that film, and of course the big news this week, J.J. Abrams is to direct the upcoming ‘Star Wars’ film. Plus find out what films you might like to watch in theaters this weekend!

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What to see: Weekend of Jan 25, 2013

What to see: Weekend of Jan 25, 2013

We’re back at it again. The weekend is here and it’s a great time to get out and see a film or two before the real world set in again on Monday. So what’s out there for you to see? Let’s find out shall we?

New Films

Hansel and Gretel (R)
I’ll be seeing this film this weekend, but you should definitely be warned that it will be bloody and violent. To demonstrate such, I posted the red band trailer not too long ago so you could be aware. But in many ways it looks like it might be fun. But I also think there’s an equal chance it will be awful. I’m leaning toward fun, Joe is leaning toward…

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Editorial: J.J. Abrams - What Does it Mean?

Editorial: J.J. Abrams - What Does it Mean?

I am a card carrying fan of both the original Star Wars trilogy, and Star Trek in general. And I am fairly nerdy about both. But when push comes to shove, I’ll take Star Trek over Star Wars for the most part. Yes, The Empire Strikes Back is a better film than some of the lesser Star Trek films, but I’m generalizing here.

The larger point is that I love both franchises, in different ways, but I love them both. And as a member of both “fan clubs” something strange, and earth-shattering has taken place as of yesterday that I have no way to process — it’s kind of mind blowing.



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Twitter Reacts to Abrams Directing ‘Star Wars’

Twitter Reacts to Abrams Directing ‘Star Wars’

Twitter kind of exploded with the news yesterday. And when I say “kind of” I mean every single person I follow was talking about it. Well maybe no everyone but it sure seemed like it.

Here is a collection of some of the tweets in the aftermath.

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‘jOBS’ Movie Scene Totally Wrong

‘jOBS’ Movie Scene Totally Wrong

The first scene from iJOBS—the biopic on Steve Jobs starring Ashton Kutcher—may be pretty decent, but it never happened. Not even close, according to Steve Wozniak, who says they “never had such interaction and roles.”

Woz had this to say in a Gizmodo comment:

Not close…we never had such interaction and roles…I’m not even sure what it’s getting at…personalities are very wrong although mine is closer…don’t forget that my purpose was inspired by the values of the Homebrew Computer Club along with ideas of the value of such machines and Steve J. wasn’t around and didn’t attend the club…

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J.J. Abrams to Direct Star Wars VII

J.J. Abrams to Direct Star Wars VII

J.J. Abrams will direct the next “Star Wars” film for Disney, taking stewardship of one of Hollywood’s most iconic and lucrative film franchises, an individual with knowledge of the production told TheWrap.

“Argo” director Ben Affleck was also in contention, another individual with knowledge of the talks told TheWrap.

Ever since Disney bought Lucasfilm last year and announced it would make new “Star Wars” films, fans, members of the media and industry executives have speculated about which director would take the job. Abrams’ name always came up, but he told Entertainment Weekly in…

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

FIGHT! In this episode TJ and Joseph disagree on whether ‘Broken City’ was a good film or not. Joseph did not enjoy it very much at all, TJ found it to be pretty good with only more minor grievances. It’s a lively discussion. They also review Gangster Squad, and there is much more agreement on the merits and lesser qualities of this film. Particularly the performances in this film are top notch, as is the visual style and heartfelt story. TJ and Joseph also talk about ‘Man of Steel’s’ Jimmy Olson… as a girl!, ‘Iron Man 3’ coming to IMAX, the Honest Trailer for ‘Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’, the trailer for the upcoming film ‘Emperor’ staring Tommy Lee Jones and Mathew Fox, and a sneak peak at Joe’s review of ‘The Last Stand’ which is really just TJ going on about how bad Arnold Schwarzenegger is at acting. Be sure to tune into the fun!

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